HIPAA Training
Training and Education
New Hire HIPAA Privacy and Security Essentials Training
New Hire HIPAA Training must be completed by all new faculty, staff, and students within 30 days of UNI creation.
Training Assignment Criteria:
- If you are a New Hire or an existing workforce member who did not complete the New Hire HIPAA Privacy and Security Essentials training, you need to complete the New Hire HIPAA Privacy and Security Essentials Training.
- If the New Hire training is not assigned to you, do not click 'ADD TO PLAN'
- Contact privacy@cumc.columbia.edu (link sends e-mail) for additional information.
Training Notification:
- You will receive an email notification from columbia@sabacloud.com(link sends e-mail) with a link to the New Hire HIPAA Privacy and Security Essentials Training course.
Link to the Course:
- Use the link embedded in the email notification from columbia@sabacloud.com(link sends e-mail) to go directly into the course assigned to you.
- If you did not receive an email as mentioned above, go to the Enterprise Learning Management System, log in with your UNI and password, and click on “My Learning Plan”. Any training assigned to you will be listed.
- Compliance reports for the New Hire training will be emailed to Department Administrators and Student Deans or their designee on a monthly basis.
- The following document may be helpful for managers to run their SABA training reports: How to Run Reports as an Organization Manager Job Aid
Compatibility Guidelines:
- Do not access the course from mobile devices (e.g., tablet, phone, iPad)
- Update to the latest version of your browser, and if possible, avoid using Safari on Mac
- For all technical questions, contact the 5HELP Service Desk at 212-305-HELP (4357) or 5help@columbia.edu.
- If you are required to complete HIPAA training and no course has been assigned to you in ELMS, please contact privacy@cumc.columbia.edu
Annual Privacy and Security Briefing
The Briefing content is updated annually to include current Privacy and Information Security regulations that govern Columbia, in addition to information related to Columbia University policies.
- The recording can be viewed at 2024 Annual HIPAA and Information Security Briefing video (UNI required)
- To view the PowerPoint slides 2024 Annual Privacy and Security Briefing (11.20.2024).pdf (UNI required)
Online HIPAA Training for Researchers
The purpose of this training is to educate faculty, staff, and students engaged in human subjects’ research on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy Rule requirements and to provide information required for researcher to assure their research activities are compliant with HIPAA requirements.
The online training for researchers is available at: RASCAL HIPAA Training (TC0019)
Additional Training and Education Information
The Privacy Office provides supplemental training based on new regulatory requirements, department or program requests, annual risk assessment findings, breach assessments in addition to revisions to policies and procedures.
To request training, contact the Privacy Office via email at privacy@cumc.columbia.edu
View additional information available under the resources tab of the Privacy website.